
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Eat bottle gourd in Ramadan, eradicate diseases! Gain the rewards of the Sunnah!

Ubqari Magazine - May 2019

According to Mishqwaat Shareef, Hazrat Anas bin Malik (رضی اللہ عنہ) reported that he and the Prophet ﷺ were consuming curry, Anas bin Malik (رضی اللہ عنہ) saw that the Prophet ﷺ was finding bottle gourd in the curry and consuming it.

Bottle Gourd, a beneficial nutrient and an effective medicine

Pumpkin (bottle gourd) which is also known as “Lauki” and “Ghiyya Kadu” is a widespread and common vegetable, which is green in color from the outside and white from the inside. It is long and round in shape. From a nutritive perspective, it is included in the vegetables, which provide vitamins, vivacity and energy. From the mixture of meat and some Garam Masala, not only does the effectiveness of the bottle gourd increase significantly, but there is also a seemly change in its taste. In the “Tibb-e Nabawi” also the use of bottle gourd with meat is said to be more beneficial.

Let the pregnant eat! The child will be guaranteed reddish-white in color

According to many well-known Hakeem bottle gourd is not only a nutritious diet, but it also works as an effective medicine in different diseases. If a pregnant woman during pregnancy especially in the beginning and end months is daily fed 60 grams bottle gourd with 60 grams of sugar cubes along with other blood purifying nutrients such as coconut milk, rice and apples etc. then the child’s color is guaranteed to be reddish-white. Apart from this, the abundant use of bottle gourd before and during pregnancy complete eradicates the problem of miscarriage.

Eat Bottle Gourd! Surely, you will give birth to a boy

According to a well-known Indian Hakeem, women who give birth to daughters more if they start eating raw bottle gourd with seeds with sugar cubes one month from fertilization up till the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy then the chances of giving birth to a boy will be increased. Ignoring the coincidence, this tip is 50% proven to succeed.

If your liver is not working then eat bottle gourd

When having a headache take bottle gourd pulp according to need and crush it to small pieces in a pestle mortar, apply it as a paste on your forehead after sometime the headache will be relieved. In lentils as moong lentil in known to be un harmful, similarly bottle gourd is known to un harmful in vegetables. If someone’s liver is not working then cook bottle gourd until it softens and cut it into pieces. Regularly consume it for a week to 10 days it will prove to be very beneficial. Bottle gourd curry prepared on low flame is a natural nutritious tonic.

Acidity of the stomach, Jaundice cured! A nutritious vegetable

Eating bottle gourd greatly reduces stomach acidity and inflammation. A curry-containing split Bengal gram (Chana dal) and bottle gourd values as an amazing and nutritious intake for people suffering from constipation, people with a hot temper, and for labors.  A best treatment for Jaundice, which has reached an incurable stage, is to take 250 grams of bottle gourd pulp and add 3-4 tolas of “Zarshak Shireen”, and add 8 to 10 prunes, and add altogether in cold water in the morning. In the evening mix everything up, sieve it and give it to the patient, in just a few days the Jaundice will be cured.

Bottle Gourd! The best tonic for the human body

Using bottle gourd with nuts and almonds supplies nutrition to your body. If you urinate less or urinate with burning, then roast a bottle gourd in coal and ashes, then squeeze it and drink its water, you will urinate with ease and will also get rid of the burning. Thus, nature has brought together so many specialties in this vegetable that it is not possible to mention them all in a composition. Therefore, people who do not like to eat bottle gourd they should ponder over the fact that they have unknowingly kept themselves away from a thing, which works as the best tonic for the human body.

Years and years old skin disease cured by an easy tip

Respected Hakeem Sahab! Assalamualaikum. I had psoriasis since by childhood and as I grew it did too, and then my family tried out the tip of zedoary and gentian. Zedoary: Morning and Evening 1 tea spoon along with water. Gentian: Take some twigs of gentian and add them in a mud bowl of water or a glass of water. In the morning sieve it and drink. It is a very amazing and unmatchable tip, my disease years and years old was cured. (Maaidah, Gujranwala)

A strange tip to gain livelihood without hard work and effort.

Readers! I read this procedure in a book that before Fajr at Tahajjud time the one who recites Surah Fathiha 41 times, Allah provides him with earning without hard work and effort. The whole family started this procedure, we used to recite Durood Shareef 3 or 7 times in the beginning and end. Believe me, Allah provides us livelihood from such places that sometimes it is hard to believe that livelihood is gained like this also. Make this procedure a habit from Ramadan itself, and get rid of the worries of livelihood. (Sister of Salih Muhammad Shah, Hyderabad)

Typhoid fever: if you cook and eat sweet rice with cane sugar and coconut pieces, it will slightly reduce the fever and will psychologically enable you for cure.  

Dear Readers! Break your state of Miserliness, If you have used any medical formula or philter in your life for your physical problems and you got benefit out of it or you have witnessed any incredible incident or heard about it than you can write in UBQARI magazine. Do not think that your experience is insignificant it can help someone in difficulty and it will be a perpetual charity from your side. Please write even if you are not good at it we will do the editing for you.


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